Are you feeling alone?!

Have you ever felt alone? Like there was no one there for you? No one to hear you, to lift you up to say it's going to be okay!
No one!
Have you ever felt like you're sinking and that there's no one to pull you out, to rescue you.

In Hebrew 13:5b the Lord said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." If you think you are alone, I am here to say that you are NOT! If you have a relationship with Christ Jesus our Lord you are NOT alone. The Lord, He will never leave you. He is with you through the storm. In the book of Matthew the disciples climbed into a boat to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. When evening came a storm came up and as the disciples looked out onto the storm, they were terrified when they saw Jesus walking on the water. They thought He was a ghost. Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid." Peter answered Him, "Lord if it is You, command me to come to You on the water." Jesus answered, "Come." 
After Peter climbed out of the boat, he looked at the storm around him and was afraid, he had taken his eyes off Jesus and started focusing on the storm. At that moment Peter felt alone. Peter called out, "Lord, save me."  Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and took hold of Peter.
This situation brings two things to my mind.

1. Jesus will be with us when we are sinking, and feeling alone.

2. We need to focus our eyes on Him. 

3. We need to be open and willing for the Lord Jesus Christ to rescue us.

Have a great weekend.  

Matthew 14. ESV Bible


  1. This is a great entry! Thanks for reminding me that I am never alone, because God is always there for me.

  2. What a great reminder that God is always there for us. We need to keep our eyes focused on Him!


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