Debate Time!!

       For the past three months I have been taking a class at our county college. While taking the class we (my brother and I) started talking to one of the students! First it was just small talk but then we starting talking about more important matters I guess you could say.  We started discussing what we believed about a variety of topics and our morals. After every class (I’m only taking one class at our county college) we would bring to the lunch table a different topic to talk about.

       We discussed lying, music, books, movies, the end times, modesty, faith, swearing, drugs, etc.  It was really fun to talk about what we believe, because usually when we get together with our friends, Christian or non-Christian we usually don’t talk about our faith or moral issues… usually. Why is this? I think it’s because we unintentionally think that we all have the same stance on every single topic. 
Found on Flickr: Taken 2009

       However, Christians can have different stances on different issues. Take books; one believer might think that reading horror or romance books are okay, while someone else might think that they are not all right to read.  Yes these slight differences may seem unimportant however it’s just good to talk about these things.

       It was great to be able to share what I personally believed and to hear about what they believe as well.  Because what if someone came up to us and asked us what we believed on a certain issue.  It’s all right to think about it, but really verbalizing what we believe is really important as well. We should be able to say, “Oh yeah, I believe that….” to state it in a way that it is easy for them to understand. Instead of saying, “Well… you see… I believe… uh…” Because we all know that the more we do something the better we get.

       I personally enjoyed all those days that we got to have “Mini debates” about those different topics. I encourage you to have these “mini debates,” to talk about what is important to you, where you stand on different issues. Make it fun and enjoyable.

Have a great week, and God bless!


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